Classification of vegetation as a hierarchy of dynamic systems
V. B. Sochava
Zonal borders on the «Vegetation map of the european part of the USSR», scale 1 : 2 500 000
S. A. Gribova, Т. I. Isachenko, A. S. Karpenko
Some problems of vegetation geography in Yakutia
I. I. Воuкs, L. S. Timirbaеva
On compiling small-scale maps of tundra and forest-tundra vegetation (on the example of the north-east of the Russian Plain)
S. A. Gribova
The notion of «cartographical method»
A. S. Karpenko
On compiling geobotanical indicator map in the vicinity of Norilsk
N. G. Mоsкalеnко
Reviews and information
Vegetation mapping in Australia: past, present and future
J. А. Сarnahan
The geobotanical section, the annual sitting of the Scientific Council on the problem «Biological Principles of Use, Management and Conservation of the Plant World»
I. N. Safronova, I. T. Fedorova
Vegetation mapping in Hungary
P. Jakuсs
The first experience in medium-scale vegetation cartography in the Himalayas
V. B. Sochava
Index of articles in «Geobotanical Mapping» during 10 years (1963—1972)