
Significance of vegetation maps
H. Gaussen

Logical principles of construction and improvement of information content of vegetation maps
V. B. Sochava

Vegetation maps of protected areas
A. W. Küсhler

Geobotany and vegetation mapping as a basis for the analysis of ecosystems and landscapes
H. Schlüter

Vegetation mapping and possibility of application for enviromental protection
A. Miyawaki

Problems of vegetation mapping in Australia
J. A. Carnahan

The arrangement of vegetation subdivisions of the Eastern Europe and Transcaucasus for mapping purposes
S. A. Gribova, T. I. Isachenko, A. S. Karpenko, E. M. Lavrenko

Techniques of compiling and analysis of correlational eco-phyto-coenological map of Asian Russia, scale 1 : 7 500 000
I. I. Buks

The biotic subdivisions of the boreal zone
L. Hämet-Ahti

Actual situation of vegetation mapping of Cuba
E. del Risco, А. Воrhidi

Problems of geobotanical mapping in Byelorussia
D. S. Golod, I. D. Jurkevich, V. S. Adericho

Random-statistic method of large scale geobotanical mapping
Yu. N. Neshataev

Problems of correlations between geobotanical regionalization and mapping
A. V. Belov

Vegetation mapping in Japan
H. Usui

The vegetation map of the nature reserve of Burano (Central Italy)
F. Pedrotti, C. Cortini-Pedrotti

Reviews and information

Symposium «Logical principles and improvement of information content of vegetation maps»
S. A. Gribova

Resolution of the symposium «Logical principles and improvement of information content of vegetation maps»

Contributed paper session «The regionalization and mapping of vegatation cover»
E. I. Rachkovskaja, I. N. Safronova

Map exhibition and some published works, prepared especially for the Congress Reviews
H. Gaussen

Geobotanical map of Czechoslovakia
N. A. Prozorovski

Works on the vegetation mapping in Japan
V. V. Lipatova