The role of V. В. Sochava in the development of geobotanical mapping
S. A. Gribоvа, Т. I. Isасhеnkо
The representation of heterogeneous vegetation of West-Siberian tundras on middlescale maps
L. I. Meltser
Vegetation map of Songarian Gobi
E. A. Vоlkovа, E. I. Rachkovskауa
On the method of floristical mapping
В. А. Вуkоv
An experience of correlated geobotanical and soil large-scale mapping based on aerophotographs in the Echyin-Gol oasis (Mongolian People's Republic)
E. I. Pankova, I. T. Fedorova
Reviews and information
On the result of the first international conference concerning the vegetation map of Europe
S. A. Gribovа, Т. I. Isасhenkо
The large-scale vegetation mapping of protected territories in Italy
V. Yu. Neshataev, Т. K. Yurkovskaya
The conference on the mapping of sand vegetation
I. N. Safronova