The problems of vegetation mapping. [On the book: Vegetation mapping / Ed. by A. W. Küchler a. I. S. Zonneveld. Dordrecht: Klumer acad. publ., 1988. 635 p. (Handb. of vegetation science / Ed. by H. Lieth. Vol. 10)]
B. V. Vinogradov
Section: Reviews and informations
How to cite
Vinogradov B. V. 1992. The problems of vegetation mapping. [On the book: Vegetation mapping / Ed. by A. W. Küchler a. I. S. Zonneveld. Dordrecht: Klumer acad. publ., 1988. 635 p. (Handb. of vegetation science / Ed. by H. Lieth. Vol. 10)] // Geobotanical mapping 1991. St. Petersburg. P. 75–79.