The modern state and the prospects of the geobotanical mapping in the Botanical Institute of the Ac. Sсi of Russia
S. S. Kholod, T. К. Yurkovskaya
An experience of the small-scale vegetation mapping of Australia
G. N. Ogureeva, T. V. Kotova, N. V. Ryabova
The new map of botanical-geographic subdivision of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia within the limits of the desert region
E. I. Rachkovskaya, I. N. Safronova
Reviews and informations
Vegetation maps in Atlas of resources of Australia
E. A. Volkova, I. T. Fedorova
Reviews and information
Maps of the degrees of the fire-danger in Mediterranea
T. K. Yurkovskaya
Next in turn workshop on the vegetation map of Europe
Z. V. Karamysheva, T. K. Yurkovskaya
Index of papers in the annual „Geobotanical mapping" for 5 years (1987-1992)