The progress in geobotanical mapping for 50 years (1950—2000) in the Laboratory of ecology and geobotany in the Central Siberian Botanical Garden
E. I. Lapshina
The history of vegetation mapping of Siberia in the second half of XX century has been presented from compiling of the first regional vegetation maps to creating of survey small-scale maps of large regions. The most significant cartographic works such as Vegetation map of Novosibirsk region (S 1 : 500 000) and Ecological-phytocoenotical map of the South of Siberia (S 1 : 1 000 000) have been characterized. Present state of cartographic study of the territory is reflected at schematic sketch. The tasks and methodological problems of vegetation mapping in the region have been formulated.
Section: Articles
How to cite
Lapshina E. I. 2007. The progress in geobotanical mapping for 50 years (1950—2000) in the Laboratory of ecology and geobotany in the Central Siberian Botanical Garden // Geobotanical mapping 2007. P. 3–12.