Some features of structure of vegetation cover in the Itantsinskaya Depression (South-Eastern Baikal area)
M. G. Tsyrenova, В. B. Namzalov
The vegetation of the Itantsinskaya Depression is characterized by the complex combination of the forest and meadow phytocoenoses contacting with the willow stands along river-beds. Small-leaved forests with the herbaceous ground layer prevail among the forest communities. In the foothills at the low parts of slopes the steppe communities form various types of combinations (mainly complexes and microbelt series) with the meadow communities in river valley. The spatial structure of vegetation in Itantsinskaya Depression is multi-component and marked by complexity. It is well deciphered on aerospace images and may be used at the creating of highly informative cartographic models of the vegetation structure in depressions of the Baikal Siberia.
Section: Articles
How to cite
Tsyrenova M. G., Namzalov B. B. 2007. Some features of structure of vegetation cover in the Itantsinskaya Depression (South-Eastern Baikal area) // Geobotanical mapping 2007. P. 40–47.