New data on aphyllophoraceous fungi of the protected areas of the Leningrad Region. III. Planned botanical natural monument “Yushkovo”

V. M. Kotkova



The paper provides the first data on aphyllophoraceous fungi of the planned botanical natural monument “Yushkovo” (Volkhov District of Leningrad Region). Among 59 species of aphyllophoraceous fungi collected there, one species (Irpex oreophilus (Lindsey et Gilb.) Niemela) is new for the European part of Russia. The only localities in the Leningrad Region of Hyphodontia latitans (Bourdot et Galzin) Ginns et Lefebvre, Lepidomyces subcalceus (Litsch.) Julich and Vararia ochroleuca (Bourdot et Galzin) Boidin are on the area studied. New localities of 2 species from Red Data Book of Leningrad Region were found.

Keywords: aphyllophoraceous fungi, Leningrad Region, protected areas, planned natural monument, Yushkovo

Section: Fungi

How to cite

Kotkova V. M. 2009. New data on aphyllophoraceous fungi of the protected areas of the Leningrad Region. III. Planned botanical natural monument “Yushkovo”. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 43: 129–133.


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