Morphology and taxonomy of the Chaetocerotales species (Bacillariophyta) from the Antarctic Ocean
R. M. Gogorev
New data on morphology and taxonomy of 22 species of the order Сhaetocerotales Round et al. emend. Gogorev 2011, namely 20 species of the genus Chaetoceros and 2 species of the genus Attheya from the East Antarctic Ocean are presented. New SEM data on morphology of Chaetoceros bulbosus (Ehr.) Heiden, C. hendeyi Manguin, C. natatus Manguin, C. neglectus Karsten and C. schimperianus Karsten are firstly obtained. New combination of C. dichaeta var. tenuicornis comb. et stat. nov. is proposed. The findings of C. convolutus Castr. in the Antarctic Ocean confirm idea on its bipolar distribution. Thespecies of the genus Chaetoceros mainly dominate in near-ice and plankton assemblages.
Keywords: Bacillariophyta, Сhaetocerotales, Chaetoceros, C. dichaeta var. tenuicornis comb. et stat. nov., Attheya, morphology, taxonomy, Antarctic, South Ocean
Section: Algae
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