New for flora of Leningrad Region and Russia species of Chrysophyta

T. V. Safronova



Original descriptions and photographs of new to the flora of the Leningrad Region 7 chrysophycean species found in a wetland of international importance “Mshinskaya Wetland System” are presented. Two species — Mallomonas asmundiae and M. pseudocratis — are recorded for the first time in Russia.

Keywords: Chrysophyta, electron-microscopic study, protected areas, Mshinskaya Wetland System, Leningrad Region

Section: Algae

How to cite

Safronova T. V. 2012. New for flora of Leningrad Region and Russia species of Chrysophyta. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 46: 60–67.


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