On Drummondia sinensis var. ussuriensis (Drummondiaceae, Bryophyta)
O. M. Afonina, V. Ya. Cherdantseva
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2012.46.235
Drummondia sinensis Mull. Hal. var. ussuriensis (Broth.) Vitt has been found in Sokhondinskiy State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Zabaikalsky Territory, Southern Siberia). Earlier it was known in Russia from the southern part of the Far East as well as in north-eastern part of China and North of Mongolia. The type variety of Drummondia sinensis occurs in eastern part of China, Japan and India. Description and illustration of D. sinensis var. ussuriensis based on the material collected in Russia are given, comparison with close taxa is provided, and the world distribution is dicussed.
Keywords: mosses, Drummondia, Drummondiaceae, Southern Siberia, Zabaikalsky Territory, southern part of the Russian Far East, Mongolia, taxonomy, distribution
Section: Bryophytes
How to cite
Afonina O. M., Cherdantseva V. Ya. 2012. On Drummondia sinensis var. ussuriensis (Drummondiaceae, Bryophyta). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast 46: 235–244. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2012.46.235
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