Some small-sized Cosmarium (Conjugatophyceae, Desmidiales) from sphagnum bogs of Moscow Region
O. V. Anissimova
Algae samples were collected during different seasons from 1997 to 2011 in two swamps located at Zvenigorod Biological Station in Moscow Region. There were found 25 Cosmarium species and varieties, 9 taxa of them being new to the region. Descriptions of the taxa were specified by observation of cell wall ornamentation with light and scanning electron microscopy. Original descriptions, photos and drawings of algae are presented.
Keywords: algae, desmids, Cosmarium, biosystematics, cell wall, sphagnum bogs
Section: Algae
How to cite
Anissimova O. V. 2013. Some small-sized Cosmarium (Conjugatophyceae, Desmidiales) from sphagnum bogs of Moscow Region. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 47: 13–20.
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