Aphyllophoraceous fungi (Basidiomycota) in forest ecosystems of Setra River Basin (Arkhangelsk Region)

V. M. Kotkova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2014.48.130


The paper provides the first data on aphyllophoraceous fungi of the Verkhne-Vashkinskiy Natural Forest (Krasnoborsk District, Arkhangelsk Region). Among 197 species of fungi collected there, Aporpium macroporum, Cerinomyces crustulinus, Clavulinopsis laeticolor, Hydnum umbilicatum, Hymenochaete cruenta, Hyphoderma clavigerum, H. guttuliferum, Junghuhnia fimbriatella, Leucogyrophana sororia, Perenniporia narymica, Rhizochaete filamentosa, Tomentella galzinii, Tomentella terrestris, Trechispora byssinella, Vararia racemosa are new for the region. Steccherinum straminellum (Bres.) Melo is recorded for the first time for the European part of Russia. A total 4 localities of Ganoderma lucidum from Red Data Book of Russian Federation (Krasnaya…, 2008b) and 3 localities of Hericium coralloides from Red Data Book of Arkhangelsk Region (Krasnaya…, 2008a) were found.

Keywords: aphyllophoroid fungi, mycobiota, Arkhangelsk Region, European part of Russia, old-growth forest, Steccherinum straminellum

Section: Fungi

How to cite

Kotkova V. M. 2014. Aphyllophoraceous fungi (Basidiomycota) in forest ecosystems of Setra River Basin (Arkhangelsk Region). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 48: 130–145. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2014.48.130


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