A review of the sect. Mallotium of the genus Leptogium (Collemataceae) in Russia and L. pseudopapillosum and L. hirsutum new records for Russia
T. V. Makryi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2014.48.264
Based on the literature data and the original research, a review of the species of the sect. Mallotium of the genus Leptogium occurring in the territory of Russia (11 species) is made and a key for their identification is provided. L. pseudopapillosum P. M. Jørg. et Wallace and L. hirsutum Sierk are reported for the first time for Russia, descriptions and localities for both of them are provided. Descriptions of four poorly known in Russia species — L. arcticum P. M. Jørg., L. asiaticum P. M. Jørg., L. furfuraceum (Harm.) Sierk, L. pedicellatum P. M. Jørg. are given. New findings are reported for three species, L. asiaticum P. M. Jørg., L. hildenbrandii Nyl., and L. saxatile Makryï. The greatest diversity of hairy Leptogium species is found to occur in the south of the Russian Far East and Siberia — eight and seven species, respectively.
Keywords: lichens, Leptogium, new records, Siberia, Far East, Russia
Section: Lichens
How to cite
Makryi T. V. 2014. A review of the sect. Mallotium of the genus Leptogium (Collemataceae) in Russia and L. pseudopapillosum and L. hirsutum new records for Russia. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 48: 264–290. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2014.48.264
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