Emendation of Fragilariophyceae classification (Bacillariophyta)
V. A. Stepanova, R. M. Gogorev
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2015.49.75
An historical review of some approaches to the classification of diatoms is presented. The class Fragilariophyceae was described by F. Round et al. (1990) and consisted of 54 genera of araphid diatoms. Over the past 25 years, 43 genera and two families within the class have been described. The systematic position of the family Plagiogrammaceae in the class of araphid diatoms was based on phylogenetic molecular studies. According to these data and unique morphological features, we propose a new order, Plagiogrammales ord. nov., with the type genus Plagiogramma. The name of the order Protoraphidales ord. nov. is validated, and the genus Podocystis is transferred from the family Fragilariaceae to the family Licmophoraceae. The systematic position of the genera Florella, Podocystis, Gato and Astrosyne is discussed.
Keywords: diatoms, Fragilariophyceae, Plagiogrammales, Protoraphidales, classification
Section: Algae
How to cite
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