Additions to the algaflora (Chlorophyta) of gray forest soil

A. D. Temraleeva, S. A. Dronova, S. V. Moskalenko, I. M. Vagapov, A. Yu. Ovchinnikov



The results of the study of morphology and ecology of green algae isolated from the gray forest soil are presented. Of the 41 strains identified to species level, 22 % (9 species) are first found in the algal flora of Russian soils including gray forest soils. Interesting, new or uncertain findings of the green algae of gray forest soil are discussed.

Keywords: green algae, flora, gray forest soil

Section: Algae

How to cite

Temraleeva A. D., Dronova S. A., Moskalenko S. V., Vagapov I. M., Ovchinnikov A. Yu. 2015. Additions to the algaflora (Chlorophyta) of gray forest soil. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast 49: 92–109.


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