First information on the conjugating green algae (Streptophyta, Conjugatophyceae) species composition in overgrown lakes of the southern Sverdlovsk Region
A. S. Shakhmatov
The article provides a list of the conjugating green algae (Streptophyta, Conjugatophyceae) found in overgrown lakes Boevskoe, Tenyak and Shchelkunskoe. 72 species, forms and variaties belonging to the genera Netrium (2), Mougeotia (1), Spirogyra (3), Closterium (13), Actinotaenium (1), Cosmarium (18), Desmidium (1), Euastrum (4), Hyalotheca (1), Micrasterias (8), Pleurotaenium (1), Raphidiastrum (1), Staurastrum (11), Staurodesmus (3), and Xanthidium (4) were identified. 47 species and 3 variaties are new to Sverdlovsk Region.
Keywords: Streptophyta, Conjugatophyceae, biodiversity, overgrown lakes, Boevskoe, Tenyak, Shchelkunskoe, Middle Urals, Sverdlovsk Region
Section: Algae
How to cite
Shakhmatov A. S. 2015. First information on the conjugating green algae (Streptophyta, Conjugatophyceae) species composition in overgrown lakes of the southern Sverdlovsk Region. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 117–123.
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