New data on macromycetes of the Nizhne-Svirsky Reserve (Leningrad Region)

M. A. Bondartseva, I. V. Zmitrovich, N. I. Kalinovskaya, M. V. Makarova (Stolyarskaya), V. F. Malysheva, A. G. Myasnikov



New records of macromycetes from the Nizhne-Svirsky Reserve (Leningrad Region) are presented. Data on locality, substrate and plant association are given for each species. The data on macromycetes diversity of Nizhne-Svirsky Reserve were enriched by 96 new records (to date the list has uncluded 591 species). A new form, Skeletocutis odora f. investiens Zmitr. et Malysheva which differs from the type by larger tubes, smaller pores and also unusual growth organization is described. The phylum Ascomycota is presented by 3 species, the most interesting record among them is Hypocreopsis lichenoides. Within Basidiomycota revealed, 17 species belong to the group of agaricoid basidiomycetes, and 76 species — to the group of aphyllophoroid basidiomycetes. Within the species revealed, 6 ones (Antrodia macra, Junghuhnia collabens, Mycoacia fuscoatra, Pycnoporellus fulgens, Rigidoporus crocatus, Sistotrema confluens) are included in the «Red Data Book of Nature of Leningrad Region» (Krasnaya…, 2000) that indirectly testifies a good safety of forest ecosystems in the area preserved. Along with listed rare species, it is necessary to note a new record of Hydnellum gracilipes for the European Russia and also such new findings for Lenin grad Region as Antrodiella fragrans, Ceriporia tarda, Granulobasidium vellereum, Hyphoderma transiens, Leptosporomyces septentrionalis, Postia parva, Piloderma olivaceum, Scytinostromella olivaceoalba, Tretomyces lutescens, Yuchengia narymica. The 15-years monitoring on Lactarius deliciosus shows that in the course of pine forests aging and substitution of their grass cover by green mosses, this species is obviously forced out by L. deterrimus, which sufficiently increases the records number. As a whole, the substrate and community preferences of species revealed are characteristic to boreal zone of the Russian North West.

Keywords: macromycetes, aphyllophoroid fungi, agaricoid basidiomycetes, discomycetes, Hypocreopsis, Skeletocutis, Nizhne-Svirsky Reserve, Priladozhye, middle taiga, rare species

Section: Fungi

How to cite

Bondartseva M. A., Zmitrovich I. V., Kalinovskaya N. I., Makarova (Stolyarskaya) M. V., Malysheva V. F., Myasnikov A. G. 2015. New data on macromycetes of the Nizhne-Svirsky Reserve (Leningrad Region). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 127–141.


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