Macromycetes of the Izborsk-Maly Valley, rare and new to the Pskov Region

O. V. Morozova, E. F. Malysheva, E. S. Popov, N. V. Psurtseva, A. G. Fedosova, A. E. Kovalenko



The annotated list of macromycetes collected in 2007–2011 in the Pechory District of the Pskov Region during our investigation of the macrofungi of the grassland communities on calcareous soils is presented. It includes 55 species (7 — Ascomycota, 48 — Basidiomycota), among which 42 species and 1 variety are new to the Pskov Region, including 3 species new to Russia, i. e. Conocybe pulchra, Entoloma glaucobasis, E. ochromicaceum (the descriptions and illustrations of these species are provided). The studied communities are dominated by Conocybe and Entoloma, but the members of typical «grassland» genera Camarophyllopsis, Dermoloma, Geoglossum, Hemimycena, Hygrocybe, Mycenella were also found there.

Keywords: macromycetes, Entoloma, Conocybe, grassland communities, Pskov Region, Izborsk Valley

Section: Fungi

How to cite

Morozova O. V., Malysheva E. F., Popov E. S., Psurtseva N. V., Fedosova A. G., Kovalenko A. E. 2015. Macromycetes of the Izborsk-Maly Valley, rare and new to the Pskov Region. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 186–203.


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