The first record of Suillus acidus var. intermedius (Suillaceae, Boletales) for Europe from the Northern Urals
M. A. Palamarchuk
Information on the records of Suillus acidus var. intermedius in the Northern Urals (Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve) is given. This species, characterized by predominantly North American distribution, was previously noted in Russia only from the Tomsk Region. The finding of the species in Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve is its first record in Europe. S. acidus var. intermedius is characterized by fruit bodies of the boletoid type, convex, slimy, yellow-brown cap, and stem with ring covered with black glandular dots. From closely related species it differs by acid taste of the cap cuticle (S. subalutaceus), yellowish or yellow-brown cap (S. acidus, S. salmonicolor), the presence of a distinct ring on stem and lacking scales on the cap (S. sibiricus). The article provides a detailed morphological description of the species, accompanied by line drawings and color photos.
Keywords: S. acidus var. intermedius, Northern Urals, Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve, Russia
Section: Fungi
How to cite
Palamarchuk M. A. 2015. The first record of Suillus acidus var. intermedius (Suillaceae, Boletales) for Europe from the Northern Urals. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 204–212.
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