The genus Heppia (Heppiaceae) in the lichen flora of Russia and the finding of H. echinulata, a new species for Russia
T. V. Makryi
Heppia echinulata Marton et Galun is found for the first time in Russia on the south-western coast of Baikal Lake. The descriptions of all six presently known Heppia species and a key for their identification are provided. The localities for four Russian species found on the south-western coast of Baikal Lake [H. adglutinata (Kremp.) A. Massal., H. echinulata, H. lutosa (Ach.) Nyl., H. solorinoides (Nyl.) Nyl.] are cited. The systematics, taxonomy, ecology and distributions of Heppia species are discussed. It is shown, that Baikal Siberia is only slightly poorer in Heppia species than the floristic Mediterranean Region: both regions have four common species, including two subtropical ones. This indicates ancient floristic links between the two regions, which were united by a common space of formation of arid desert-steppe Eurasian-North African flora.
Keywords: lichens, Heppia, taxonomy, ecology, distribution, Baikal Siberia, Russia
Section: Lichens
How to cite
Makryi T. V. 2015. The genus Heppia (Heppiaceae) in the lichen flora of Russia and the finding of H. echinulata, a new species for Russia. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 245–264.
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