The mosses (Bryophyta) of Abkhazia
G. Ya. Doroshina
Historical outline of bryological studies in Abkhazia and list of 387 species and 3 subspecies of mosses compiled on the basis of literature, herbarium (LE) and own data are provided. New taxa for Abkhazia are Aloina aloides, Crossidium squamiferum, Diphyscium foliosum, Epipterygium tozeri, Gymnostomum calcareum var. viridulum, Orthotrichum stellatum, Pogonatum nanum, Sphagnum angustifolium, S. girgensohnii, Taxiphyllum densifolium.
Keywords: mosses, flora, Caucasus, Abkhazia
Section: Bryophytes
How to cite
Doroshina G. Ya. 2015. The mosses (Bryophyta) of Abkhazia. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 295–313.
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