Sphagnum mosses of Lake Germanovskoe catchment area («Valaam Archipelago» Natural Park)
S. A. Komolova, A. B. Stepanova, E. Yu. Kuzmina, L. E. Dmitricheva, K. A. Kozitskaya
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2015.49.328
The list of sphagnum mosses of the swamped part of Lake Germanovskoe catchment area («Valaam Archipelago» Natural Park) is provided for the first time. The Valaam Archipelago is located in the northern part of Lake Ladoga, in Republic of Karelia. The largest Valaam Island takes over 2/3 of the archipelago area — 27.8 km2. The ecological characteristics of sphagnum mosses are discussed. A detailed investigation of ecotopes and plant communities dominated by sphagnum mosses was conducted. The study of tree stands, herb and moss layers, soils and analysis of Lake Germanovskoe hydro-chemical characteristics were carried out to define the conditions of Sphagnum habitats. Different sphagnum mosses dominate in ecotopes with various regime of moisture. The swamped part of Lake Germanovskoe catchment area is determined as having mesotrophic characteristics. Аnalysis of the ecological characteristics of sphagnum mosses shows the same result.
Keywords: Sphagnum, ecological characteristics of mosses, swamp forests, lake catchment area, peat, Valaam Island, Republic of Karelia
Section: Bryophytes
How to cite
Komolova S. A., Stepanova A. B., Kuzmina E. Yu., Dmitricheva L. E., Kozitskaya K. A. 2015. Sphagnum mosses of Lake Germanovskoe catchment area («Valaam Archipelago» Natural Park). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 328–344. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2015.49.328
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