Coenotic role of bryophytes in the mountain-tundra communities of the plateau Siniy Dol (Kronotsky State Nature Reserve, Eastern Kamchatka)
E. Yu. Kuzmina, M. S. Ovcharenko, V. Yu. Neshataeva
The coenotic role and floristic composition of bryophytes in mountain tundra communities of the plateau Siniy Dol (Kronotsky State Nature Reserve) were studied. Landscape and vegetation of this part of the reserve is significantly different from the adjacent areas, which are affected by modern volcanism. Dwarf-shrublichen mountain tundra communities are common for the territory. The following associations of the shrub mountain tundra were revealed: Empetretum vacciniosum, Dryadetum punctatae diapensiosum, Loiseleurietum procumbentis fruticulosum and Phyllodocetum caeruleae varioherbosum. The role of bryophytes in the species composition of the mountain tundra communities was analyzed. It is shown that bryophytes are characterized by rather high species diversity in the studied communities, but usually by a small abundance and a low coenotic role in the mountain tundra communities. The list includes 41 moss and 6 liverwort species. Several new species for the Kronotsky State Nature Reserve (Dicranum groenlandicum, Kiaeria blyttii, Oncophorus compactus, Lophozia silvicoloides) and some rare species for the Kamchatka Peninsula (Dicranum brevifolium, D. groenlandicum, Kiaeria blyttii, Lophozia silvicoloides, Warnstorfia tundrae) were found.
Keywords: bryophytes, mosses, liverworts, mountain tundra communities, coenotic role, plateau Siniy Dol, Kronotsky Nature Reserve, Eastern Kamchatka, Kamchatka Region
Section: Bryophytes
How to cite
Kuzmina E. Yu., Ovcharenko M. S., Neshataeva V. Yu. 2015. Coenotic role of bryophytes in the mountain-tundra communities of the plateau Siniy Dol (Kronotsky State Nature Reserve, Eastern Kamchatka). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 345–359.
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