Contribution to the liverwort flora of the Russian Arctic. 2: Uedineniya Island (Kara Sea)

A. D. Potemkin, I. N. Safronova



Uedineniya Island is an isolated location (27°28–31′ N 82°09–42′ E) in the northern Kara Sea, two degrees south of Vize Island. It has an area of 20 km2 and represents an erosion accumulative lowland divided by a network of beams and ravines. There were no data on liverworts of this island until the present. This study identifies a small bryophyte collection obtained by I. N. Safronova in 1985 during a few hours on the island. In total, 18 species were recorded. The report fills a gap in the knowledge of liverworts of the isolated remote territories of the Russian Arctic, an area almost inaccessible to botanists. The revealed species composition is common for High Arctic; it has almost no particular features. The second record of Orthocaulis quadrilobus (Lindb.) A. Evans f. cephalozielloides (R. M. Schust.) Potemkin, comb. nov. for the Russian Arctic is noteworthy.

Keywords: liverworts, Marchantiophyta, flora, phytogeography, Arctic, Russia, Uedineniya Island, Kara Sea

Section: Bryophytes

How to cite

Potemkin A. D., Safronova I. N. 2015. Contribution to the liverwort flora of the Russian Arctic. 2: Uedineniya Island (Kara Sea). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 49: 382–386.


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