Сhlamydomonads (Chlamydomonadaceae) from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region: current knowledge and new records
O. N. Boldina
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2016.50.5
The paper contains data on biflagellated green monads discovered earlier in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, and their new records in sites of Karelian Isthmus, namely (1) Beloostrov railway station, St. Petersburg (ca. 60°9′ N, 30°0′ E) and (2) projected regional sanctuary «Orekhovsky», Leningrad Region (ca. 60°31′ N, 30°18′ E) in 2012–2015. Chlamydomonas asymmetrica, C. debaryana, C. moewusii, C. noctigama, C. nasuta, Microglena cf. opisthopyren have been identified on the basis of integrative study of all cellular components with light and transmission electron microscopy. Identification of C. asymmetrica and C. debaryana has been confirmed by the analysis of their nucleotide sequences. All the recorded species are new to St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Their descriptions, localities, and habitat peculiarities are provided.
Keywords: green monads, Chlamydomonas, Microglena, St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region
Section: Algae
How to cite
Boldina O. N. 2016. Сhlamydomonads (Chlamydomonadaceae) from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region: current knowledge and new records. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 50: 5–22. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2016.50.5
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