Rare and protected species of mosses (Bryophyta) from five proposed protected areas of the northwestern Leningrad Region

E. G. Leushina, G. Ya. Doroshina, L. E. Kurbatova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2016.50.284


Results of study of rare and protected species of five proposed protected areas of the northwestern Leningrad Region are generalized. The sanctuaries «Salmon Rivers of Vyborg Bay», «Karelian Forest», «Oyayarvi-Ilmenjoki», «Kuznechnoye» and the natural monument «Lakes Anisimovskiye» were explored. The short descriptions of these protected areas are provided. 44 rare and protected in the Leningrad Region species of mosses are listed. Their ecology and distribution are discussed. Their protection status in comparison with adjacent territories (Republic of Karelia and Finland) is provided.

Keywords: mosses, rare species, protected species, Leningrad Region, protected areas

Section: Bryophytes

How to cite

Leushina E. G., Doroshina G. Ya., Kurbatova L. E. 2016. Rare and protected species of mosses (Bryophyta) from five proposed protected areas of the northwestern Leningrad Region. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 50: 284–296. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2016.50.284


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