Amphoroid and canal-raphid diatoms (Bacillariophyta) of relict Lake Mogilnoye (Kildin Island, Barents Sea)

R. M. Gogorev, E. K. Lange



New data on morphology of eleven pennate diatoms from four orders (Thalassiophysales, Rhopalodiales, Bacillariales, Surirellales) found in the subpolar meromictic Lake Mogilnoye with the level of salinity up to 4 ‰ and the water temperature at about 10 °С are presented. Halamphora cf. dubiosa and Nitzschia soratensis are recorded for the first time for the flora of Russia, Halamphora turgida, Cymbellonitzschia diluviana, Epithemia adnata var. saxonica are found for the first time for the flora of the Murmansk Region and eight new taxa are listed for the first time for Lake Mogilnoye.

Keywords: Bacillariophyta, Bacillariales, Rhopalodiales, Surirellales, Thalassiophysales, meromictic lake, morphology, taxonomy, Barents Sea, Lake Mogilnoye

Section: Algae

How to cite

Gogorev R. M., Lange E. K. 2019. Amphoroid and canal-raphid diatoms (Bacillariophyta) of relict Lake Mogilnoye (Kildin Island, Barents Sea). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 53(1): 15–38.


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