New data on agaricoid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the Urals
O. S. Shiryaeva, M. A. Palamarchuk
Thirty six species of agaricoid fungi are reported for the first time for the Urals including 15 species new for the Komi Republic and 19 species new for the Sverdlovsk Region. They were found mostly in natural habitats: mountain tundra (3 species), mountain forest-tundra (3), the northern boreal forests of the mountains and their foothill (12), the middle boreal forests of the mountains (1), the southern boreal forests of the foothill of the Urals (2), the hemiboreal broadleaf-conifer forests (4), the hemiboreal pine and birch forests of the foothill of the Urals (1), the forest-steppe (1), and the northern and southern boreal forests (1). New records of Cantharellopsis prescotii and Hydropus subalpinus extend data on their distribution eastward to the Urals, while the others fill the gaps between localities in Europe and Asia. Ten species were recorded in anthropogenic habitats of the urban areas only.
Keywords: agaricoid basidiomycetes, diversity, geographic distribution, rare species, Ural Mountains, Sverdlovsk Region, Komi Republic, Russia
Section: Fungi
How to cite
Shiryaeva O. S., Palamarchuk M. A. 2019. New data on agaricoid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the Urals. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 53(1): 89–106.
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