Mosses of the State Nature Reserve "Kurgalskiy" (Leningrad Region)
G. Ya. Doroshina, E. G. Ginzburg, L. E. Kurbatova
The paper provides the data on mosses of the State Nature Reserve ”Kurgalskiy” situated in the Kingisepp District of the Leningrad Region. The list includes 136 species. Among them Plagiothecium nemorale is new for the Leningrad Region, 83 species are recorded for the first time for the protected area, 12 species are protected in the region, Aulacomnium androgynum is protected in Russia. Of the protected species, Plagiothecium latebricola is recorded for the first time for the protected area. Data on habitats, substrates and frequency of every species are provided.
Keywords: mosses, protected areas, Kurgalskiy Peninsula, Leningrad Region, Russia
Section: Bryophytes
How to cite
Doroshina G. Ya., Ginzburg E. G., Kurbatova L. E. 2019. Mosses of the State Nature Reserve "Kurgalskiy" (Leningrad Region). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 53(2): 369–384.
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