First data on Myxomycetes of Polistovsky Nature Reserve (Pskov Region)
V. I. Gmoshinskiy, A. V. Matveev
The first study of species diversity of myxomycetes in Polistovsky National Nature Reserve is presented. It is based on field collections. Sporophores were collected from 28 sites in September 2018. As a result of identification of 227 specimens, 54 species, 1 subspecies and 2 varieties belonging to 21 genera, 9 families, and 5 orders were recorded. Among them 36 species are new for the Pskov Region. Morphology of Badhamia lilacina, Fuligo muscorum, Lycogala flavofuscum and Oligonema flavidum is illustrated.
Keywords: Amoebozoa, biodiversity, slime molds, Pskov Region, Russia
Section: Fungi
How to cite
Gmoshinskiy V. I., Matveev A. V. 2019. First data on Myxomycetes of Polistovsky Nature Reserve (Pskov Region). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 53(2): 279–290.
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