New records of stoneworts (Characeae) in Belarus

V. S. Vishnyakov, K. L. Savitskaya, S. E. Latyshev



The data on 63 records of 14 species of stoneworts from the genera Chara (8), Nitella (5) and Nitellopsis (1) in Belarus are presented. Of these, 13 species were collected by the authors during field observations from 2013 to 2019. The species distributions are critically analyzed based on data from literature, unpublished manuscripts and examination of the MSK-A herbarium. Nitella mucronata is recorded for Belarus for the first time. Presence of rare species N. capillaris, N. gracilis, N. flexilis and N. syncarpa in Belarus is confirmed.

Keywords: Chara, Nitella, Nitellopsis, threatened species, Belarus

Section: Algae

How to cite

Vishnyakov V. S., Savitskaya K. L., Latyshev S. E. 2020. New records of stoneworts (Characeae) in Belarus. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 54(2): 321–335.


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