Contribution to the lichen biota of the Bryansk Region (Russia)

E. E. Muchnik



The checklist of 56 lichen species and 4 allied non-lichenized saprotrophic fungi is presented. It complements the previously available information on the lichen biota of the Bryansk Region. Lecanora stanislai, Micarea pusilla, and Physconia grumosa are recorded for the first time in Central Russia, 38 other species are new to the Bryansk Region. Calicium quercinum, Cladonia decorticata, C. homosekikaica, and Stereocaulon condensatum are rare species in Central Russia. We consider a number of species as indicators of biologically valuable forest and park landscapes in coniferous-broadleaved and broadleaved subzones in Central Russia. Recommendations on expanding the list of protected lichen species in Bryansk Region are given.

Keywords: Lecanora stanislai, Micarea pusilla, Physconia grumosa, lichens, rare species, special protected areas, Central Russia

Section: Lichens

How to cite

Muchnik E. E. 2020. Contribution to the lichen biota of the Bryansk Region (Russia). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 54(2): 441–451.


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