Mosses of the Important Plant Area in Vaikis Lake Valley environs (Monche-Tundra Ridge, Murmansk Region)

О. А. Belkina, R. P. Obabko, E. A. Borovichev, A. Yu. Likhachev



Species diversity of mosses has been studied on the northwestern slope of the Monche-tundra Ridge near Vaikis Lake (Lapland State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Murmansk Region). Annotated list of 124 species is presented. Fifteen species are new to the reserve and 119 — to the Monche-tundra Ridge. In the rather small area many rare and basiphilic mosses were found. Of these, 7 species included in regional or federal Red Data books were revealed (Andreaea blyttii, Buxbaumia aphylla, Cyrtomnium hymenophyllum, Encalypta cf. streptocarpa, Fissidens bryoides, Orthothecium chryseon, Tetrodontium repandum). The results show high botanical value of the study territory and confirm its status as Important Plant Areas (IPA) on European level.

Keywords: Bryophyta, bryoflora, Red Data Book, rare species, Lapland State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Russia

Section: Bryophytes

How to cite

Belkina О. А., Obabko R. P., Borovichev E. A., Likhachev A. Yu. 2020. Mosses of the Important Plant Area in Vaikis Lake Valley environs (Monche-Tundra Ridge, Murmansk Region). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 54(2): 479–495.


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Supplementary materials

Supplementary file. Annotated list mosses of Vaikis Lake environs.