Contribution to the moss flora of tundra zone of the Kola Peninsula (North-West of Russia)

O. A. Belkina, A. Yu. Likhachev



Moss flora of surroundings of the Drozdovka and Ivanovskaya bays on the northeastern coast of the Kola Peninsula (Barents Sea) was studied in 2016. A list of 203 species of mosses is presented, 13 of them are new for tundra zone of the Murmansk Region. 135 species were collected within the Nature monument “Guba Ivanovskaya”. Some rare variations and forms of mosses were collected. New localities of 6 species included in the Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region (2014) were found. Populations of Cynodontium suecicum, rare in the world species, was revealed near Drozdovka River. The studied bryoflora is similar to the other local moss floras of the tundra zone of the Murmansk Region.

Keywords: bryoflora, rare species, Barents Sea, Drozdovka Bay, Ivanovskaya Bay, Murmansk Region

Section: Bryophytes

How to cite

Belkina O. A., Likhachev A. Yu. 2021. Contribution to the moss flora of tundra zone of the Kola Peninsula (North-West of Russia). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 55(1): 229–247.


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