The genus Navicula (Bacillariophyta) from the Por’ya Guba estuary (Murmansk Region, Russia) with description of a new species and reinvestigation of the type materials of N. eidrigiana and N. pseudosalinarum

D. A. Chudaev, I. Jüttner, J. C. Taylor



During the study of diatom samples from a brackish estuary near the reserve headquarters of the Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve at Por’ya Guba 16 taxa belonging to the genus Navicula were found. One taxon, N. curtisternoides sp. nov., is described and compared with morphologically similar species. The type specimens of two names (N. eidrigiana and N. pseudosalinarum) were studied to verify the identifications of these taxa. Four species (N. hanseatica, N. kefvingensis, N. microcari, N. paul-schulzii) were recorded for the first time in the Murmansk Region.

Keywords: Navicula curtisternoides, diatoms, diversity, new species, taxonomy, type material, Murmansk Region, Russia, White Sea

Section: Algae

How to cite

Chudaev D. A., Jüttner I., Taylor J. C. 2022. The genus Navicula (Bacillariophyta) from the Por’ya Guba estuary (Murmansk Region, Russia) with description of a new species and reinvestigation of the type materials of N. eidrigiana and N. pseudosalinarum. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 56(1): 55–70.


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