Modern and historical lichen biota of Karelian Isthmus: the case of Motornoe-Zaostrovje proposed protected area (Leningrad Region, Russia)
I. S. Stepanchikova, D. E. Himelbrant, S. V. Chesnokov, L. A. Konoreva, E. A. Timofeeva
Keywords: Micarea synotheoides, Tremella hypocenomycis, protected areas, Isthmus karelicus.
Section: Lichens
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Stepanchikova I. S., Himelbrant D. E., Chesnokov S. V., Konoreva L. A., Timofeeva E. A. 2022. Modern and historical lichen biota of Karelian Isthmus: the case of Motornoe-Zaostrovje proposed protected area (Leningrad Region, Russia). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 56(2): 371–404.
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