Additions to the orchidaceous part of the «Catalogues of the type specimens of the vascular plants» from Central and East Asia, Siberia and the Russian Far East kept in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)

P. G. Efimov



The article represents a description of 23 taxa of orchidaceous plants, which are absent from the «Catalogues of the type specimens of the vascular plants, kept in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute» in the sector of Central and East Asia and in the sector of Siberia and the Russian Far East. For one more taxon (Listera savatieri Maxim. ex Kom.), which is mentioned in the published catalogues, we cite missing specimens, which are important for the understanding of this critical taxon. For every name, we give a nomenclatural citation, full data from the herbarium labels of type specimens in LE, and the provenance data from the protologue. The majority of the taxa were described from China and Japan, three taxa were described from Russia, and solitary type specimens originate from North Korea, South Korea. Lectotypes of 2 names are designated: Herminium alaschanicum Maxim., and H. alaschanicum var. tanguticum Maxim.

Key words: Herbarium LE, Orchidaceae, authentic material, holotype, lectotype, protologue

How to cite

Efimov P. G. 2018. Additions to the orchidaceous part of the «Catalogues of the type specimens of the vascular plants» from Central and East Asia, Siberia and the Russian Far East kept in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE) // Novitates Syst. Pl. Vasc. Vol. 49. P. 42–50.

Submitted: 15.05.2018. Accepted: 30.11.2018.


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