Volume 54, 2023
New species of Typha (Typhaceae) from the Russian Far East
E. V. Mavrodiev, O. A. Kapitonova, E. A. Belyakov
Populus × cinovskisii (Salicaceae), a new cultivated intersectional hybrid of poplar from Belarus, the Baltic countries and Finland
V. N. Tikhomirov
New taxa of Corydalis section Strictae (Fumariaceae) from northwestern China and Mongolia
M. A. Mikhailova
Tribe Potentilleae (except for Alchemilla; Rosaceae) in the flora of the Republic of Dagestan: conspectus, distribution, identification key
R. A. Murtazaliev, A. A. Kechaykin, A. V. Vaganov, I. V. Tatanov, A. I. Shmakov
New species of the genus Astragalus (section Helmia, Fabaceae) from the Baikal Siberia
M. S. Knyazev, A. V. Verkhozina
Typification of names published by P. S. Pallas in Astragalus and Phaca, now in genus Oxytropis sect. Orobia (Fabaceae)
A. K. Sytin, V. V. Byalt, I. V. Sokolova
Synopsis of the genus Oxytropis (Fabaceae) of Eastern Europe and the Urals
M. S. Knyazev
Ferula dseghica (Apiaceae), a new species from Armenia
A. A. Nersesyan
Nomenclatural notes
Lectotypification of the name Krascheninikovia rigida (Pseudostellaria rigida; Caryophyllaceae)
S. V. Prokopenko
New combinations in the genus Oreomecon (Papaveraceae)
D. A. Krivenko
Psephellus jelenevskyi, a new rank for Psephellus zuvandicus subsp. jelenevskyi (Asteraceae)
V. M. Vasjukov
Floristic records
Astragalus pallasii (Fabaceae), a new species to the flora of the Middle Volga Region
I. V. Sharonova, A. S. Kurochkin
The records of most interesting vascular plants in the Middle Don River basin
V. A. Agafonov, A. V. Leostrin, N. M. Reshetnikova, E. S. Kazmina, V. V. Negrobov, E. V. Razumova, K. S. Ivlev, O. V. Krutova, A. P. Sukhorukov
Alphabetical index to new taxa names
Index to designated lectotypes and epitypes
Online version