The Gedan floristic assemblage from the Late Cretaceous deposits of the Kholchan Formation of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt

L. B. Golovneva, S. V. Shczepetov



The Gedan floristic assemblage occurs from upper layers of the Kholchan Formation of the Okchotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt (OCVB). The locality is situated at the Gedan River in the middle part of the Arman River basin. The Gedan assemblage is composed of 6 taxa: Cladophlebis sp., Sphenobaiera sp., Ginkgo ex gr. adiantoides (Ung.) Heer, Taxodium amguemensis (Efimova) Golovn., Metasequoia sp., Pagiophyllum sp. The similarity of the Gedan floristic assemblage with the Karamken and the Khirumki floristic assemblages from the Kholchan Formation of the Okhotsk sector of the OCVB allows us to join them in the Kholchan flora. This flora is distinct from more ancient Arman flora, which dated as the Turonian-Coniacian and from younger Ola flora, which dated as the Santonian-early Campanian. The age of the Kholchan flora is estimated as the Coniacian on the basis of stratigraphic position, presence of Podozamites, Metasequoia and Quereuxia and also isotopic data. This flora is equivalent with the Chaun flora of Central Chukotka, with the Aleeki flora from the Villigha and Toomahni Rivers interfluve and with the Ulya flora from the southern part of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt.

Section: Articles

How to cite

Golovneva L. B., Shczepetov S. V. 2014. The Gedan floristic assemblage from the Late Cretaceous deposits of the Kholchan Formation of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt. Palaeobotany, 5: 73—83.


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