New species of the genus Sequoia Endlicher (Cupressaceae) from the Late Cretaceous deposits of the Northeastern Russia

D. A. Yudova, L. B. Golovneva



New species Sequoia ochotica Yudova et Golovn. (Pinopsida, Cupressaceae) from the Turonian-Coniacian deposits of the Arman and Chingandzha Formations of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt is described based at morphological features of leaves and shoots. Two other Late Cretaceous species of this genus: S. minuta Sveshn. from the Vilyui River basin of Eastern Siberia and S. tenuifolia (Schmalh.) Sveshn. et Budants. from the New Siberian Islands have comparable shoot morphology, but these species were described based at epidermal features.

Section: Articles

How to cite

Yudova D. A., Golovneva L. B. 2015. New species of the genus Sequoia Endlicher (Cupressaceae) from the Late Cretaceous deposits of the Northeastern Russia. Palaeobotany, 6: 80—95.


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