The distribution of the genus Dalembia E. Lebedev et Herman (Magnoliophyta) in Late Cretaceous floras of Northern Pacifica
D. A. Yudova, L. B. Golovneva, P. I. Alekseev
New findings of the genus Dalembia from Late Cretaceous sediments are described: Dalembia sp. from lower part of the Sym Formation (Coniacian – Santonian) of Eastern Siberia; Dalembia sp. from upper part of the Timmerdyakch Formation (Turonian – Coniacian) of Western Siberia; D. vachrameevii E. Lebedev et Herman and the new species D. argentea Yudova et Golovneva from the Chingandzha Formation (Turonian – Coniacian) of Okchotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt (Northeastern Russia).
The stratigraphic range of the genus Dalembia stretch from the late Albian to Campanian. The geographical area includes the territories of Alaska, northern China, Northeastern Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia. The highest quantity of occurrences associated with Nothern Pacific region.
Section: Articles
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Yudova D. A., Golovneva L. B., Alekseev P. I. 2016. The distribution of the genus Dalembia E. Lebedev et Herman (Magnoliophyta) in Late Cretaceous floras of Northern Pacifica. Palaeobotany, 7: 66—79.
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