Ginkgophytes of the Ul’ya flora (the Ul’ya depresiion, the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt)

L. B. Golovneva



The Ul’ya flora comes from the Coniacian volcanogenic deposits of the Amka Formation (the Ul'ya depression, southern part of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt). Ginkgoaleans are diverse in this flora and represented by three genera: Ginkgo, Sphenobaiera and Baiera. All specimens have no cuticle and were assigned to morphotaxa.

Genus Ginkgo includes two species: G. ex gr. adiantoides (Ung.) Heer with entire leaves and G. ex gr. sibirica Heer with dissected leaves. Genus Sphenobaiera also consists of two species: S. ex gr. longifolia (Pom.) Florin with 4–8 leaf lobes and S. ex gr. biloba Prynada with two leaf lobes. Genus Baiera is represented by new species B. lebedevii Golovn., sp. nov.Leaves of this species are 25–30 cm long and 13–16 cm wide, narrowly wedge-shaped with flat slender petiole, dichotomously dissected 4–5 times into linear segments 3–6 mm wide with 6–12 veins. The length of ultimate segments is equal to about a half of leaf length. Leaves attached spirally to ovoid short shoots about 2 cm long.

Among the Late Cretaceous floras similar diversity of ginkgoaleans was recorded only in the Turonian-Coniacian Arman flora from middle part of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt (Herman et al., 2016). Four species of ginkgoaleans from the Ul’ya flora (except G. ex gr. adiantoides) are considered as the Early Cretaceous relicts.

Section: Articles

How to cite

Golovneva L. B. 2016. Ginkgophytes of the Ul’ya flora (the Ul’ya depresiion, the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt). Palaeobotany, 7: 80—95.


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