The N. S. Snigirevskaya’s collections of fossil plants in Komarov Botanical Institute with an account of her life and work

S. M.Snigirevsky, A. P. Lyubarova



A catalogue of fossil plants collected and/or described by the famous Russian palaeobotanist, an employee of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Natalia Snigirevskaya is presented. The materials are stored in the Laboratory of Palaeobotany of the BIN RAS. References are provided to publications based on these collections. The catalogue is accompanied by images of some holotypes made with modern equipment. A short essay on the life and work of Natalia Snigirevskaya precedes the catalogue.

Key words: palaeobotany, catalogue of fossil plants, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, N. S. Snigirevskaya

Section: Articles

How to cite

Snigirevsky S. M., Lyubarova A. P. 2021. The N. S. Snigirevskaya’s collections of fossil plants in Komarov Botanical Institute with an account of her life and work. Palaeobotany, 12: 5–33.

Received 12.05.2021; accepted for publication 20.11.2021


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Snigirevskaya, N. S. 1994. The status of the «Lepidodendropsis-flora» of the Donets Basin (the Ukraine) revisited. – Abstr. IV Europ. Palaeobot. Palynol. Confer., September, 19–23, 1994, Heerlen, p. 39.

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Snigirevskaya, N.S. 2014. The volcanic origin of the Tunguska explosion and its importance for understan­ding the history of plant landscapes in the Middle Siberia (Russia). – Botanicheskii Zhurnal, 99(7): 749–755. (in Russian with English abstract).

Snigirevskaya, N. S., Bogdanova, L. A. 1992. Finding of stomata and xylem in plants of the genus Barsassia (Asteroxylaceae, Lycopodiophyta) from the Middle Devonian of the Kuznetsk Basin and some questions of the stomatographic study of ancient plants. – Botanicheskii Zhurnal, 77(1): 58–66. (in Russian).

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Snigirevskaya, N. S., Gromyko, D. V., Mogutcheva, N. K. 1999a. Trunk remains of Septomedullocaulon putoranicum gen. et sp. nov. (? Podocarpaceae s.l.) from volcanogenic deposits of Tunguska Basin (the Middle Siberia, Lower Triassic). – Botanicheskii Zhurnal, 84(11): 125–137. (in Russian with English abstract).

Snigirevskaya, N. S., Kuznetsova, A. A., Goganova, L. A. 1999b. Fossil tropical fern Asterochlaenopsis kirgisica (Stenzel) Sahni in the Lower Carboniferous of the Central Kazakhstan. – Toporkovskie chteniya, 4: 447–453. (in Russian with English abstract).

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Snigirevskaya, N. S., Mogutcheva, N. K. 2010. Petrified fossil root Chromorhiza gen. n. (Pinopsida incertae sedis) in the Triassic of Plateau Putorana (Tunguska syneclise) and its significance. – News of palaeontology and stratigraphy. Suppl. to journal Geologiya i Geofizika, 14, 51: 37–50. (in Russian with English abstract).

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Snigirevskaya, N. S., Shilkina, I. A., Furtes, V. V. 1990. Palaeobotanical basis for the Tertiary age of the rocks dated by the Pre-Cambrian or the Late Palaeozoic (the Ukraine). – Botanicheskii Zhurnal, 75(7): 915–919. (in Russian with English abstract).

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Snigirevsky, S. M. 2016b. Creative way of Natalia Sergeevna Snigirevskaya (Son’s and colleague’s notes). – Lethaea Rossica, 12: 126–161. (in Russian).

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Zdebska, D., Snigirevskaya, N. S. 2001. Extinct fern Asterochlaenopsis kirgisica (Stenzel) Sahni (class Zygopteridopsida) from the Central Kazakhstan – in Wrozlaw Geological Museum in Poland. – Toporkovskie chteniya, 5: 246–249. (in Russian with English abstract).

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