Halophyte coastal vegetation of the White Sea western part

N. V. Babina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2002.03.3


The diversity of coastal vegetation (salt marsh) that includes halophytic herb communities on marine deposits forming under active seawater influence on the White Sea western coast is discussed. The great diversity of coast habitats is responsible for the great variety of vegetation. The vegetation prodromus contains 18 associations (with 3 variants) and 1 community type, belonging to 7 alliances, 5 orders and 5 classes. Classes Zosteretea marinae (sublitoral sea grass vegetation), Potametea pectinati (aquatic meso- and olygotrophic vegetation), Thero-Salicornietea (pioneer annual succulents littoral com­munities) and Honckenyo-Elymetea arenariae (vegeta­tion of sandy, pebbly or gravely beaches, coastal banks and dunes) are represented by in one association for each. Juncetea maritimi (sea shore meadows on weakly and moderate saline substrates), the largest class, provides the main vegetation variety. The characteristics of syntaxa ecology, and global and regional distributions are made. The widespread and rare associations that need an addi­tional study of composition, distribution and synecology are defined. The area of syntaxa distribution are widened to the east. New variant (ass. Festucetum rubrae var. Alopecurus arundinaceus var. nov.) is suggested.

Key words: White Sea, halophyte coastal vegetation, classification, prodromus, ecotope

Section: Articles

How to cite

Babina N. V. 2002. Halophyte coastal vegetation of the White Sea western part // Vegetation of Russia. N 3. P. 3–21.  https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2002.03.03

Received June 10 2002