Caragano fruticis—Pinion sylvestris, the new alliance of xerophillous pine-larch forests of the Southern Urals

A. I. Solomeshch, V. B. Martynenko, O. Yu. Zhigunov



Xerophillous pine-larch forests of the Southern Ural have been described as a new alliance Caragano fruti­cis—Pinion sylvestris. They occur on steep slopes of upper parts of mountain ridges with poorely developed stony soils. Alliance asigned to the class Brachypodio pinnati—Betuletea pendulae, order Chamaecytiso ruthe­nici—Pinetalia sylvestris. Associations Carici caryophyl­leae—Pinetum sylvestris and Ceraso fruticis—Pinetum sylvestris with four subassociations are described. Eco­logical and floristical peculiarities of new alliance in comparison with another alliances of the order Cha­maecytiso-Pinetalia and with siberian class Rhytidio rugosi—Laricetea sibiricae have been discussed.

Key words: sintaxonomy, xerophillous pine forests, alliance Caragano fruticis—Pinion sylvestris, Southern Urals

Section: Articles

How to cite

Solomeshch A. I., Martynenko V. B., Zhigunov O. Yu. 2002. Caragano fruticis—Pinion sylvestris, the new alliance of xerophillous pine-larch forests of the Southern Urals // Vegetation of Russia. N 3. P. 42–62.

Received March 3 2002