Ecological-phytocoenological classification of the stone birch forests in the Kamchatka Peninsula
V. Yu. Neshatayeva
The stone-birch (Betula ermanii Cham.) forests flora and vegetation were studied at the different parts of the Kamchatka peninsula by the means of 400 sample plots (2020 m). The plant community classification based on the principles of the Russian ecological-phytocoenological approach has been elaborated. The nomenclature of syntaxa was used in accordance with «All-Russian Code of phytocoenological nomenclature». The stone-birch communities were included into Betuleta ermanii formation. 8 associations, 13 subassociations and 10 variants included into 5 association groups were distinguished: tall-herb stone-birch forests (Betuleta ermanii altiherbosa), grass-herb stone-birch forests (B. varioherbosa), low-herb stone-birch forests (B. nanoherbosa), shrub stone-birch forests (B. fruticosa) and dwarf-shrub stone-birch forests (B. fruticulosa).
The syntaxa distinguished were compared with the classificational units of the other authors. The diagnostic features of the syntaxa were given. The stone-birch forests species diversity, community structure, ecological peculiarities and geographical distribution were discussed.
Key words: stone birch, birch forests, classification, Kamchatka
Section: Articles
How to cite
Neshatayeva V. Yu. 2004. Ecological-phytocoenological classification of the stone birch forests in the Kamchatka Peninsula // Vegetation of Russia. N 6. P. 54–82.
Received April 30 2004