Ecological-phytocoenological classification of the stone birch forests in the Kamchatka Peninsula

V. Yu. Neshatayeva



The stone-birch (Betula ermanii Cham.) forests flora and vegetation were studied at the different parts of the Kamchatka peninsula by the means of 400 sample plots (2020 m). The plant community classi­fication based on the principles of the Russian eco­logical-phytocoenological approach has been elabo­rated. The nomenclature of syntaxa was used in a­c­cordance with «All-Russian Code of phytocoenological nomenclature». The stone-birch communities were included into Betuleta ermanii formation. 8 associations, 13 subassociations and 10 variants included into 5 association groups were distinguished: tall-herb stone-birch forests (Betuleta ermanii altiherbosa), grass-herb stone-birch forests (B. varioherbosa), low-herb stone-birch forests (B. nanoherbosa), shrub stone-birch forests (B. fruticosa) and dwarf-shrub stone-birch forests (B. fruticulosa).

The syntaxa distinguished were compared with the classificational units of the other authors. The diagnostic features of the syntaxa were given. The stone-birch forests species diversity, community structure, ecological peculiarities and geographical distribution were discussed.

Key words: stone birch, birch forests, classification, Kamchatka

Section: Articles

How to cite

Neshatayeva V. Yu. 2004. Ecological-phytocoenological classification of the stone birch forests in the Kamchatka Peninsula // Vegetation of Russia. N 6. P. 54–82.

Received April 30 2004