Vegetation diversity and dynamics on quarries in forest-tundra of Northwest Siberia (neighborhood of Labytnangi town, Yamalo-nenets autonomous area)
O. I. Sumina, E. M. Koptseva
Vegetation of 11 quarries in the forest tundra of Northwest Siberia was studied in the years 1993–1995 and 1998–2000. The vegetation recovery age varies from 2 to 33 years. 235 relevés are sorted out according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. 13 variants with 37 subvariants are distinguished within the 4 subassociations of the 3 associations (2 new among them) which belong to the alliance Chamerio-Matricarion hookeri Ishbirdin, Ishbirdina et Khusainov 1996. The relationship between associations and subassociations correspond to the principal trend of vegetation succession in the quarries. Variants and their subvariants demonstrate better coincidence with either the stages of recovery succession, or different habitats conditions.
Key words: anthropogenic vegetation, quarries, classification, vegetation dynamics, Northwest Siberia
Section: Articles
How to cite
Sumina O. I., Koptseva E. M. 2004. Vegetation diversity and dynamics on quarries in forest-tundra of Northwest Siberia (neighborhood of Labytnangi town, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous area) // Vegetation of Russia. N 6. P. 83–103.
Received December 10 2002