Issue 11, 2007
Classificаtion of Wrangel Island vegetation
S. S. Kholod
Ekaterina Ivanovna Rachkovskaya (to the 80th anniversary of her birthday)
E. A. Volkova, V. N. Khramtsov, N. P. Ogar
Boris A. Yurtsev. 1932–2004 (to the 75th anniversary of his birthday)
O. V. Rebristaya
Critics and bibliography
(Book review) V. I. Vasilevich, T. K. Yurkovskaya. Alexander Petrovich Shennikov
(Book review) A. M. Kryshen. Plant communities of the felling of Karelia
(Book review) Растительный покров и растительные ресурсы Полярного Урала