Vegetation of the Berd river and its tributaries (Novosibirsk region, West Siberia)

L. M. Kipriyanova



A cenotic diversity of the Berd River and its tribu­taries is ascertained as 23 associations, 2 subassocia­tions, 2 variants and 4 communities referred to 3 ve­getation classes of the Braun-Blanquet approach: Phragmito-Magnocaricetea (15 associations, 2 sub­asso­ciations, 2 variants), Potametea (7 associations and 4 communities), Isoёto-Nanojuncetea (1 association). Cenotic structure and spatial allocation of stream vegetation of various parts of the Berd River are determined mainly by a ratio of the erosion-accumu­lation processes in the river bed and trophic status of waters, with the impact of altitudinal zonation beeing less significant. The cenotic diversity increases in the range «uppermeanlower flow». Two new asso­ciations of class Potametea Klika in Klika et Novak 1941, order Potametalia W. Koch 1926 are described: Scirpo lacustris—Nupharetum luteae within the allian­ce Nymphaeion albae Oberd. 1957, and Fonti­nali antipyreticae—Scirpetum lacustris within the Batrachion fluitantis Neuhäusl 1959. Some specifi­cations to the interpretation of the order Oenanthetalia aquaticae Hejný in Kopecký et Hejný 1965 are given.

Key words: syntaxonomy, stream vegetation, Potametea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, West Siberia

Section: Articles

How to cite

Kipriyanova L. M. 2008. Vegetation of the Berd river and its tributaries (Novosibirsk region, West Siberia) // Vegetation of Russia. N 12. P. 21–38.

Received June 20 2006