Vegetation of the Berd river and its tributaries (Novosibirsk region, West Siberia)
L. M. Kipriyanova
A cenotic diversity of the Berd River and its tributaries is ascertained as 23 associations, 2 subassociations, 2 variants and 4 communities referred to 3 vegetation classes of the Braun-Blanquet approach: Phragmito-Magnocaricetea (15 associations, 2 subassociations, 2 variants), Potametea (7 associations and 4 communities), Isoёto-Nanojuncetea (1 association). Cenotic structure and spatial allocation of stream vegetation of various parts of the Berd River are determined mainly by a ratio of the erosion-accumulation processes in the river bed and trophic status of waters, with the impact of altitudinal zonation beeing less significant. The cenotic diversity increases in the range «uppermeanlower flow». Two new associations of class Potametea Klika in Klika et Novak 1941, order Potametalia W. Koch 1926 are described: Scirpo lacustris—Nupharetum luteae within the alliance Nymphaeion albae Oberd. 1957, and Fontinali antipyreticae—Scirpetum lacustris within the Batrachion fluitantis Neuhäusl 1959. Some specifications to the interpretation of the order Oenanthetalia aquaticae Hejný in Kopecký et Hejný 1965 are given.
Key words: syntaxonomy, stream vegetation, Potametea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, West Siberia
Section: Articles
How to cite
Kipriyanova L. M. 2008. Vegetation of the Berd river and its tributaries (Novosibirsk region, West Siberia) // Vegetation of Russia. N 12. P. 21–38.
Received June 20 2006